Clean, Dry, Loose
We are your one stop shop, advising you on what packaging can go into your recycling bin. Working together as a nation and placing packaging in the recycling bin clean, dry and loose we can make a difference and create a greener Ireland.
What packaging can I recycle?
Make it part of your everyday
Did you know our research showed that only 34% of people in Ireland strongly agree they understand how to correctly recycle. Making recycling part of your everyday is really easy and we are here to support the public and our Members.
How to recycle
It’s never been easier to recycle!
It’s never been easier to recycle! Paper, carboard, plastics and metals can go in your household recycling bin. Did you know our Members fund recycling centres and bottle banks nationwide. Find your nearest centre today.
Find Recycling CentresYour household recycling list
Paper and cardboard
From newspapers to cereal boxes, we have all the answers on what paper and cardboard packaging can go into your recycling bin.
Paper and cardboard list -
Not sure what plastics can go into your recycling bin? Check out our plastics list to find out more.
Plastics -
Metals, tins and foil
Find out what metals, tins and foils can go into your recycling bin. Remember to keep all items clean, dry and loose.
Metals, tins and foil
Our Members and impact
We have over 3,500 Members nationwide who fund the recycling and recovery of packaging, household recycling bins, bottle banks and business back door waste. Our Members are leaders in incorporating sustainable practices in their business and product packaging design.
Million tonnes of used packaging recycled
Of all packaging in Ireland recycled in 2023 (estimated)
Million euros contributed by Repak Members to fund recycling
Of all plastics in Ireland recycled in 2023 (estimated)

We have the knowledge to enhance your businesses recycling goals
Repak are here to support your business in increasing the sustainability of your packaging and achieve your environmental goals. As a Member you can avail of our Prevent & Save Programme, which helps you to optimise your packaging systems, design packaging to maximise recycling and prevent packaging waste.