Exceeding EU Recycling Targets
Ireland continues to exceed all EU recycling targets for the five main materials (plastics, paper, metals, glass, wood) year on year, however, we have significant challenges ahead to meet ambitious 2025 and 2030 targets for plastic recycling.
Read moreLeading packaging optimisation and design
Repak has grown from a ‘compliance scheme’ to a thought-leading, environmental organisation, providing credible knowledge and expertise to many stakeholders on packaging waste, while supporting our members. We challenge our members to improve packaging design and increase the sustainability of their packaging, through the following initiatives.

Prevent and Save Programme
Our Prevent & Save Programme and team support will assist your business in optimising packaging systems, design packaging to maximise recycling and prevent packaging waste. We are here to help your business increase the sustainability of your packaging and achieve your environmental goals.
Repak Members’ Plastic Pledge
Over 140 of Ireland’s largest producers have committed to five key objectives which encompass prioritising the prevention of plastic packaging waste, minimising avoidable single use packaging and promoting packaging reuse.
Packaging Design Guide
This new Design for Recycling Guide, offers a comprehensive insight into how packaging materials are collected, sorted and reprocessed, to inform the design of packaging for the Circular Economy, including advice for the design of flexible plastic packaging.
Helping our members to play their part
We work closely with trade associations across Ireland to target more businesses to join Repak and help play their part in funding recycling nationwide.
Supporting Local Authorities
We liaise with local authorities to help them identify businesses that are not compliant with packaging regulations, to help ensure a level playing field for all.
Advising our
We provide support, training and packaging design expertise to our Members, to help them meet their obligations and improve packaging sustainability.
Informing policy and legislation
As Ireland's only ‘Packaging Compliance Scheme’, with over 20 years’ expertise, we play a pivotal role in advising Government and EU stakeholders on key issues, legislation and policy relating to packaging, packaging waste and the development of sustainable packaging in a circular economy.

Plastic Strategy 2030
Launched in 2018, this Repak strategy sets out the key actions required for Ireland to achieve challenging new EU recycling targets.
Find out moreEU Legislation
Under The Circular Economy Packaging, significant EU Legislation is currently being transposed into Irish law, which Repak will help implement with its members and other stakeholders.
Find out moreEducating and raising awareness
We deliver an annual programme of education for consumers and businesses, aimed at raising awareness of recycling, and reducing the environmental impact of packaging waste, and supporting MyWaste.ie, Ireland’s official guide to managing your waste.
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