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The Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy

The Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy was published by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on the 4th of September 2020. This policy document fulfils the commitment in the Programme for Government to implement a new National Waste Action Plan.

This new national waste policy will inform and provide direction to future waste infrastructure and management in Ireland. Repak supports this transition as we continue to educate and provide our Members with avenues and opportunities to increase the sustainability of their packaging.

The Waste Action Plan for a Circular Economy places emphasis on the value of keeping resources in the loop and outlines 200 measures across various waste areas including Circular Economy, Municipal Waste, Consumer Protection and Citizen Engagement, Plastics and Packaging, Construction and Demolition, Textiles, Green Public Procurement and Waste Enforcement.

The overall objectives of the Waste Action Plan are to:

  • Shift the focus away from waste disposal and treatment to ensure that materials and products remain in productive use for longer thereby preventing waste and supporting reuse through a policy framework that discourages the wasting of resources and rewards circularity; make producers who manufacture and sell disposable goods for profit environmentally accountable for the products they place on the market;
  • Ensure that measures support sustainable economic models (for example by supporting the use of recycled over virgin materials);
  • Harness the reach and influence of all sectors including the voluntary sector, R&D, producers /manufacturers, regulatory bodies, civic society; and support clear and robust institutional arrangements for the waste sector, including through a strengthened role for Local Authorities (LAs).

The Waste Action Plan for Circular Economy is a strategic focused roadmap of activities that will aid in Ireland improving our sustainability and position us a nation that contributes in EU efforts in support of the environment. There is room in the current landscape for Ireland to become a leader and embrace the opportunities as we progress towards a circular economy that will deliver delivering environmental, social and economic benefits.

To learn more you can ready the full report here.