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All recycling rates and recovery targets surpassed in 2016

View our Annual Report 2016 here 

  • Repak funded the recovery and recycling of 794,848 tonnes of packaging in 2016, an increase of 32,384 tonnes on 2015
  • Overall 593,991 tonnes were recycled, up 14,235 tonnes on 2015 and 200,857 tonnes were recovered, up 18,149 tonnes on 2015
  • Householders increased recycling levels by 17,856 tonnes to 256,119 tonnes, an increase of 7.5% on 2015
  • 207,000 tonnes of plastic in 2016 was recycled and recovered, a 23,254 tonnes (12.7%) increase on 2015
  • Householder’s plastic recycling habits increased by 24%
  • Glass recycling at 131,706 tonnes (86%) up 6422 tonnes on 2015, this is one of the highest in Europe
  • Ireland remains one of the top performers in Europe with all Recycling & Recovery targets surpassed

June 29th 2017: In 2016, Repak met all recycling rates and recovery targets. Repak funded the recovery and recycling of 794,848 tonnes of packaging placed on the Irish market, 32,384 tonnes more than 2015.  As part of the total increase in packaging recovered and recycled in 2016, Repak announced a significant increase in the level of plastic recycled in Ireland last year. 207,000 tonnes of plastic was recycled and recovered, an increase of 23,254 tonnes on 2015 and an impressive 86% recycling and recovery rate. Plastic recycling increased to 85,174 tonnes, a substantial increase of 12,284 tonnes on 2015 with householder’s plastic recycling habits increasing by 24%. This increase was one of the key findings contained within the 2016 Repak annual report which will  be unveiled at the 2017 Repak annual general meeting this morning.

In 2016 household packaging recycling increased by 17,856 tonnes to 256,119 tonnes, a 7.5% increase on 2015. Recycled tonnes increased by 14,235 to 593,991, while recovery showed an increase of 18,149 tonnes to 200,857 tonne. In addition to a growth in plastic recycling levels, glass recycling increased to 131,706 tonnes, an increase of 6,422 tonnes on 2015.

The Repak annual report also confirmed that in 2016 Repak delivered a 70% recycling rate and a 90% recovery rate - thus continually outperforming targets set by Government of 65% and 75% respectively.

Commenting on another strong year for recycling and recovery in Ireland at the 2017 Repak annual general meeting was CEO of Repak, Seamus Clancy: “2016 was a very strong year for recycling and recovery in Ireland. We saw a big increase in the level of plastics recovered and recycled and I’m delighted to see the good increase in householder recycling levels. This 7.5% increase is a testament to the people of Ireland and their dedication to environmental thinking. We’ve come long way since 1997, when less than 100,000 tonnes of packaging was being recycled annually, but thanks to ongoing efforts from the public and our public awareness campaigns on best recycling practices recycling and recovery of packaging continues to improve.”


Repak reported a strong financial performance with a surplus of €1.757m for 2016. This surplus was in part aided by member fee income being higher than expected and direct recycling costs being lower than anticipated. Member fee income for 2016 was €26.575m.

Commenting on Repak’s performance in 2016 was CEO of Repak, Seamus Clancy: “We have again surpassed our Recycling and Recovery compliance targets on behalf of Ireland and our members. We are a member’s based organisation and we continue to provide value for money to them through our rebate scheme. We will endeavour to continue to improve Repak’s programme in all aspect of the business as strategically directed by the Board and look forward to another year delivering on behalf of all our stakeholders.

“2017 is also a landmark year for Repak as it marks 20 years in operation as the packaging compliance scheme for Ireland. 20 years of building a successful scheme and working with our members to deliver the best environmentally sustainable packaging recovery compliance scheme for Ireland.”

Membership News

Following the introduction of a new sales structure to focus on membership recruitment and the coordination of enforcement with local authorities, membership numbers grew for the first time since 2009 to 2111 members, with 135 new additions joining. Fee income also grew to €26.5m, up €1m on 2015 with new member’s income accounting for €914k.

The member’s fee rebate scheme returned €1.149m to members in 2016. The fee rebate scheme, which was introduced in 2015, will continue into 2017. The rebate is principally paid on timely submission of packaging statistics and payment of invoices by the due date.

The membership packaging prevention and survey team to support members was also reintroduced with a focus on packaging reduction and cost savings for members.

New board members

Repak also welcomed two new members to the Board: Ms. Christine Heffernan of Tesco Ireland and Mr. Matthieu Seguin of Coca–Cola Hellenic Ireland. Mr. John Curran of Musgrave Group was re-elected to the board.