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Support Team Green. Shop with a Repak Member

On the 30th of Nov we launched our ‘Support Local, Shop with a Repak Member’ Christmas campaign across our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn channels.

2020 has been a tough year for Irish businesses nationwide and this Christmas more than ever we are encouraging the Irish public to support local by shopping with Repak Member businesses.

Don’t forget that recycling facilities experience an increase in packaging waste at Christmas due to the volume of gifts exchanged between households during this period. While shopping local, we want to remind you to pay special attention to your recycling habits over the festive season. Make sure you put the right thing in the right bin clean, dry and loose.

To allow our Members to support the campaign we have developed downloadable posters and social media assets that can be used by Member businesses in store and on their own social media channels. To play your part in recycling and to find top tips on how to recycle your packaging join Repak’s Team Green.