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Quiz the nation on World Environment Day

To mark World Environment Day, we have announced that we will be launching its largest ever nationwide Recycling Knowledge Audit. This audit will test the country’s understanding of recycling best practices and expose common misunderstandings among the public. 

The announcement comes after recent research* which we commissioned identified Ireland has a significant knowledge gap in knowing what does and what does not go into their recycling bin. Despite having good intentions when it comes to recycling, there is a concerning gap in Ireland’s recycling knowledge. Although 88% of people stated that they are confident in their recycling abilities, only 52% were correctly able to identify what can go in the recycling bin when asked. 

How the Knowledge Audit Works

In collaboration with a third-party research provider, we will quiz 2,000 Irish people on their recycling knowledge as part of a nationwide 'recycling knowledge audit' this summer. 

The data collected from this audit will be used to develop a public information campaign to support the nation to become a country of recycling experts and promote responsible recycling practices. If all businesses and consumers took the time to separate their packaging and make sure it’s clean, dry and loose, the country would make vital strides towards meeting EU targets and creating a more sustainable environment. 

Even the smallest of mistakes can have detrimental effects on the environment but further Repak research** revealed that almost half (41%) believe that minor recycling errors don’t have an impact on the overall recycling process. This World Environment Day, Repak is encouraging consumers and businesses to separate all packaging into the correct bin, making sure it’s clean, dry, and loose. 

Speaking on the launch of Repak’s recycling knowledge audit, Zoë Kavanagh, CEO of Repak said: “This World Environment Day, Repak is excited to announce the launch of its largest-ever Recycling Knowledge Audit. This initiative aims to gain a clear understanding of the current recycling aptitude among Irish residents. By identifying where we, as a nation, falling short in recycling best practices, we can implement better habits to become more environmentally conscious in our daily lives.

The audit will help us tackle misconceptions directly and add significant value to Ireland's journey towards improved recycling standards in the future. There is a significant knowledge gap in proper segregation and recycling practices. Today, on World Environment Day, we urge the public to take a step back and review their recycling habits.

Every individual's action counts when it comes to meeting Ireland’s EU recycling targets, no matter how big or small. We encourage everyone to take the time to ensure we are correctly segregating our packaging - clean, dry, and loose—to contribute to a greener Ireland.”


* refers to an omnibus survey of 1,000 Irish residents conducted by 3Gem in March 2024
**refers to an omnibus survey of 1,000 Irish residents conducted by Bounce in February 2024