What does the CEP mean for Repak Members?
The Circular Economy Package (CEP) contains revised legislation on waste and a comprehensive plastics strategy, both of which impose new obligations and targets for Repak and its members. Repak is involved in regular consultations at EU level and with likeminded packaging compliance schemes in other EU Member States to find ways of effectively complying with these strategies and legislation.
In this regard, Repak has already developed initiatives, campaigns and strategies to help meet our obligations, including the Repak Members’ Plastic Pledge and our Packaging Design Guide.

Waste Framework Directive (WFD) 2018
The new Waste Framework Directive was approved by the EU in July 2018 and was transposed into Irish Law in 2020.
Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive (PPWD) 2018
The new PPFD was approved by the EU in July 2018 and sets new packaging recycling targets for all materials, including plastic.
EU Plastics Strategy & SUP Directive 2019
The Single Use Plastics Directive aims to deal with the top ten single use plastics items that cause 70% of marine litter.