Regular Member Statistics Training
As a new Regular Member of Repak, we know that your business may not have compiled packaging statistics previously. You are required to provide statistics to Repak every six months, and we provide training to all new Members before submission of your first report.

Free Packaging Audit
If you are thinking of joining Repak, we will first complete a complimentary Packaging Audit to see if your business has an obligation under the Packaging Regulations. Then, when you are making your first Packaging Statistical Returns, one of our team will be on hand to submit the returns, ensuring the process is as seamless as possible for you as a new Member.
Free Statistical Training
We offer new Members a FREE on-site statistics training session at your business premises. We also run monthly group statistics training sessions, for new and existing Members, at our Repak Conference Centre, giving a broad overview of the current regulations followed by guidance on how to report packaging information to Repak as comprehensively and as easily as possible.
Statistics Team Support
Our Membership Team is always on hand to help you with any queries, including guidance on current legislation, stats calculation systems, or technical matters relating to packaging or our Prevent & Save services. To contact one of the Membership Team email us via the link below.
Statistics Training Presentation
Our Membership Team has also developed an easy to follow presentation for Members who may not be available to attend training sessions. The presentation offers a step-by-step guide on how to complete the Packaging Statistics Return Forms, providing your business with an overview of Repak, terminology and information requirements. You can download the presentation below.