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Repak and Panda partner in aid of Focus Ireland

We have partnered with leading waste operator, Panda Greenstar, to launch a new joint initiative to support Focus Ireland in its efforts to assist families, young people and children at risk or affected by homelessness.

The initiative which is aimed at all commercial businesses in Dublin’s city centre, will encourage offices, shops, restaurants, bars, hotels and supermarkets to collect their plastic recyclables in specially commissioned recycling bags. The bags, which will be provided at no cost, will be collected when full and in return both Repak and Panda Greenstar will donate to Focus Ireland based on the volume collected. Our initiative will run from June to December 2019 will aim to raise much needed funds for Focus Ireland to continue in its work to combat and prevent homelessness.
We want to encourage businesses in Dublin city centre to pledge their support to the initiative. We will then recognise that they are not only played their part to recycle more and protect Ireland’s environment for future generations, but they have also provided invaluable support to those in need.