- ABP Food Group
- Aldi
- Aramark
- Aurivo
- Blenders
- Britvic Ireland
- Lidl
- Coca-Cola
- Dawn Farm Foods
- Frylite
- Hilton Foods Ireland
- Irish Country Meats
- Irish Distillers
- Musgrave Group
- NPP Group Ltd.
- Nomad Foods
- Nestle
- Tesco

Case Study
Dawn Farm Foods
Removed plastic drinking water cups and plastic water bottles from water stations with the objective of eliminating 180,000 water cups and 1,800 plastic bottles annually.
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Case Study
Irish Country Meat
Through detailed waste segregation, 98% of waste generated is diverted to recycling channels.
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Case Study
Kearney’s Home Baking
Have a clear goal of entirely eliminating plastic bag usage by the end of 2023.
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Case Study
Irish Distillers
We cut 28.26 tonnes of plastic packaging waste in the past year and are shifting the remaining 50mls to board boxes.
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Case Study
Hilton Food Ireland
Significant progress has been made in waste reduction and sustainability efforts.
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Case Study
Britvic Ireland
Eliminated coloured PET preforms in Fruit Shoot and 7up brands which improves their recyclability.
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Case Study
They have diverted processing waste from landfill to a Dublin Waste-to-Energy plant, avoiding around 5 tonnes of plastic packaging waste.
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Case Study
Actively engaged in discussions with suppliers to enhance the use of recycled content safely.
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Case Study
Number of trials the gauge of shrink wrap was reduced from 100 to 85 micron & the gauge of the plastic hoods was reduced from 35 to 25 micron.
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Case Study
Aramark’s plastic consumption reduced from 19% of our food packaging category in our F21 financial period to represent only 9% of the category during F22.
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Case Study
All avoidable single-use plastics are being phased out across our business with respect to catering activities on-site. We have introduced reusable options where possible or alternative material options.
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Case Study
Lidl began to package own-brand yogurt in pots made from recyclable plastic, saving ___ tonnes of non-recyclable plastic packaging a year.
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Case Study
Moved peanut butter from plastic to glass jars saving 13 tonnes of plastic per annum.
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Case Study
Nomad Foods
We have down gauged film from 15 to 12.5 micron on all our pizza products. This project has delivered a total annual reduction of 93 tonnes.
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Case Study
We have removed the handles on packs of Fred & Flo Nappies, saving 36 tonnes of plastic.
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Case Study
Coca Cola
Coca-Cola HBC Ireland and Northern Ireland continued to eliminate ‘single-use’ plastic shrink wrap from our multi-packs, through our move to KeelClip™ and Q-Flex Card Carton Packs; a move that eliminated almost 500 tonnes of plastic.
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